Monday 4 December 2017

SSFF Bold Customers Photodump 4

And for part 4 of my end-of-season customer photo binge, we have customers in some bright outfits, some Bold and some Lively. These were all taken on November 27th, 2017.

Starting off with Quartz and Airi. This outfit was made to go with Airi's makeup, my Pale Banshee makeup set. Somehow, I seem to have succeeded.

Another shot with Quartz and Airi.

I actually really like how this turned out...

A shot with Fariha, wearing a bright Bold outfit for another restaurant buffet event. Fariha's normal style is Girly.

A shot at the beach, to make the most of that floral hat.

...And here's Hayley, who I somehow managed to turn into something just about completely screamingly pink, from head to toe... thanks to her buying the bizarre Bubble Bath Blues makeup set.

I actually consider this to somehow be some kind of accomplishment... XD

She's probably going to look pretty weird once she changes out of this...

A photo with Jana, who normally wears tougher-looking Punk things... but since she asked me to make her an outfit to go with her weird choice of Dreamland Reverie makeup set, I created this cutesy rainbow Punk outfit.

A photo with Jasna, who is still wearing that dotty swimsuit with socks and sneakers, long after summer is over.

Another random photo with Jayda. Mostly because her name on the list is too close to Jana.

...And here's an outfit I'm really proud of. Lilia normally wears the Girly style, but requested a Bold outfit for yet another restaurant buffet event. I love how this turned out. I really lucked out with that floral tie-front top being in stock at the same as the hat...

Lilia's previous outfit was quite nice, too... It was a Girly outfit that matched her Marina Maiden makeup set...

And a photo with Nellie, who's been wearing this pastel beachwear for quite some time...

A memento of Nellie's apparently eternal quest for a beach holiday.

A photo with Nisha, in her Five Fashionista makeover look.

The orange-ish shoes sort of clash a little (what colour are they?!) but overall, I like how the rest of the items harmonize.

A photo with Vicky, who normally wears Chic things. I wish I'd managed to take a picture of one of the beautiful purple Chic outfits I had her in before...

I just kept putting her in purple things (??) to match her highlights...

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