Monday 4 December 2017

SSFF Bold Customers Photodump 2

...And on to part two of my massive binge of picture-taking with customers. Making up for lost time, I guess? Although I lost much more time in the process... at least as far as 'wasting my life 'is concerned. These were all taken on November 26th, 2017.

We should start a band: Blue Screen of Death.

Dolly here probably holds a record for "longest time customer held on to an outfit" – I made this for her back when I started the game shortly after it first came out. Maybe I should run this thing through a fashion show and see how it scores...

Her clutch just melts right into that background...

A photo with Doris in a nice Chic ensemble I put together sometime in November. I think...

For a Chic outfit, it's almost understated...

Here's Eleanor, in a Basic outfit I made not that long before all this. I keep running out of Basic shoes, so everyone seems to end up in off-coloured pumps...

Elsie, normally a Lively girl, I think, wearing my custom Cheetah Trainers, an item almost impossible to match to anything in the game's mechanics because they look beige and brown but are registered as orange...

It's Emma again... Still dressed as a sexy librarian.

More Emma.

A photo with Evie, wearing another off-shoulder sweater Feminine outfit at the cafe. I wonder when she'll reach the point where she owns all of those off-shoulder sweaters and won't take them anymore...? Oh my god, I might actually have to make different-looking outfits for her... WHAT WILL I DO

With Fern, all in grey. I was going through some kind of grey phase around the time I sold this to her... Also, we have the same t-shirt... Not that I think that's a problem.

...I really wish they had more pairs poses.

Georgie! I love that outfit. I've made her more than a few that I was really happy with.

Why do the pairs poses have to look so awkward...?

A photo with Harmony. I love her outfit, the problem is... I don't remember whether this is her default look or one of mine anymore. I know I've sold outfits just like that, but...

I'm pretty sure it's got to be her default look, but it's so nice looking, I just want to keep taking pictures before she changes out of it for the season...

And a photo with Jiamin, a friend of Will's and a long-time customer. I love how this particular outfit turned out, and how it goes with her hair...

The pixelated person in the background looks quite suspicious...

A photo with Luisa at the cafe. This is a Bold outfit, but it's almost hard to tell... Thanks to the colour and the boots, it has an almost Chic look to it.

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