Monday 4 December 2017

SSFF Bold Blue Photodump

Another photodump featuring the Bold and the Blue-tiful. >_< ...Sorry about that.

These were taken on the evening of November 27th, 2017.

Starting off with one of my "Weird Bold Chicks", Flo. For Flo, this is actually almost subdued... I mean, she's only wearing four items with animal print and they're in a normal colour...

The same can't be said for her hair...

A photo with Melanie, who seems to really like blue.

Her hair already had indigo streaks by default, but apparently... that simply was not enough blue for her.

So now she's joined the aliens with her unearthly Electric Blue locks.

And here's Pepita, who went from pumpkin-coloured hair to something piscine.

She now sports a hairstyle that looks remarkably like two fish have been attached to her head.

Reiko the pop star also caught the blue-hair bug, radically changing her look... Ha ha...

Here's Callie, dressed all in blue.


Blank stares.
All of these lead up to another relatively large picture-taking-binge featuring a custom t-shirt advertising my blog.

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