Saturday, 2 December 2017

Jiamin (SSFF Character)

Hobby: Gymnastics
Job: Dental assistant
Profile: Fitness enthusiast. Refuels with cheeseburgs.
Default style: Eastern?? Girly

Taste notes: No idea.

Memorability: ☆☆☆☆

Character notes:
Jiamin seems to hang out with Will a lot. I encountered her very early on in the game as a result, since Will has a sort of little subplot thing going on in the beginning, if I'm not terribly mistaken. She came in with him at some point early on. I don't actually know what her relationship to Will is, though... They seem to spend a lot of time at Bun-Bun Funland together.

Personal notes:
I've sold her a decent number of outfits, but somehow I'm still left with no idea what her original style was. She keeps buying Bold things from me, and yet was wearing Eastern stuff for a while...

Thanks to Sly Blue for informing me Jiamin's default style is Girly... If that's the case, she's had quite the fashion journey in my playthrough, from Girly to Eastern to Bold...

Original Miiverse post to play journal (June 20th, 2017 - apx. 9:59am)
Jiamin requesting a new Bold outfit for a trip to the buffet. Her last one was the same kind of request, and she ended upmwearing it for months... I think she started off in the Eastern style.

Original Miiverse post to play journal (June 20th, 2017 - apx. 10:03am)
Jiamin in the outfit. The other lady who came in for a buffet outfit rejected because the layers didn't go together. (It was an 80s tank top casual dress with cargo pants and sandals. Customers have accepted weirder things, so I can't figure it out.)

Original Miiverse post to play journal (June 29th, 2017 - apx. 11:41am)
Photo from last year with Will and Jiamin.

I'm fascinated by her makeup... I've been trying to figure out what it is for a while.


  1. Hey, something I can help out with- her default style is actually girly. I can say that for sure because she just changed into her default winter outfit in my game.
