Monday 4 December 2017

Reiko (SSFF Character)

Hobby: Internet
Job: Pop star
Profile: Dresses up as TV characters in her spare time.
Default style: Lively (pink Cute Fairy outfit with pink kitty ears and a red side ponytail)

Taste notes:
Claims to like picture patterns.

Memorability: 4/5

Personal notes:
Sometime around Oct. 4th, 2017, she asked me for another Lively outfit and I was barely able to throw one together. She subsequently asked me to dye her hair blue and make it long and wavy, thus joining the masses of aliens teeming in the city.

Original Miiverse post to play journal (Oct. 4th, 2017 - apx. 9:10pm)

Flo (SSFF Character)

Hobby: Graphic design
Job: Illustrator
Profile: A positive thinker. Always the first to notice rainbows.
Default style: Bold

Taste notes:
Normally wears Bold. Seems to be attracted to weird stuff. Every time I put out a really questionable mannequin loaded up with weird colours of animal print or something, she's there. (Flo! Taste the rainbow!) She actually seems helplessly attracted to outfits with animal print.

Memorability: 5/5

Personal Notes:
Since I started off with a Bold boutique, Flo's been one of my earliest customers, long before I could remember any of the customer's names even when I was paying attention to them. She quickly burnt herself into my mind for repeatedly choosing some of the most out-there outfits I put out on display. She's been buying things from me for so long that I can't even remember what her default outfit is and probably wouldn't recognize it if I saw it.

As of Dec. 5th, 2017, she's currently still sporting 'alien hair' in the form of electric blue looped braids.

Flo wearing a somewhat more subdued outfit than usual, in my Bold Blue Customer Photodump from the 27th of November, 2017.

SSFF Bold Blue Photodump

Another photodump featuring the Bold and the Blue-tiful. >_< ...Sorry about that.

These were taken on the evening of November 27th, 2017.

Starting off with one of my "Weird Bold Chicks", Flo. For Flo, this is actually almost subdued... I mean, she's only wearing four items with animal print and they're in a normal colour...

SSFF Bold Customers Photodump 4

And for part 4 of my end-of-season customer photo binge, we have customers in some bright outfits, some Bold and some Lively. These were all taken on November 27th, 2017.

Starting off with Quartz and Airi. This outfit was made to go with Airi's makeup, my Pale Banshee makeup set. Somehow, I seem to have succeeded.

SSFF Bold Customers Photodump 3

Part three of my end-of-November binge on photos with my customers. It's mostly a mixture of Chic outfits and Bold outfits this time. These were all taken November 26th through November 27th, 2017.

I'm pretty sure this is Jasmin... but not entirely. Also, there is a character that uses almost exactly this as a default outfit, so I'm not even sure if this is the one I put together or not. Oh well.

SSFF Bold Customers Photodump 2

...And on to part two of my massive binge of picture-taking with customers. Making up for lost time, I guess? Although I lost much more time in the process... at least as far as 'wasting my life 'is concerned. These were all taken on November 26th, 2017.

We should start a band: Blue Screen of Death.

Dolly here probably holds a record for "longest time customer held on to an outfit" – I made this for her back when I started the game shortly after it first came out. Maybe I should run this thing through a fashion show and see how it scores...

Her clutch just melts right into that background...

Sunday 3 December 2017

Harue (SSFF Character)

Hobby: Palmistry
Job: Voice actress
Profile: Looks sweet, but has a sharp tongue.
Default style: Lively (usually a tutu with lavender pigtails)

Taste notes:
Mainly Lively style, but it looks she'll also take Psychedelic. Buys cosplay items easily. In fact, seems to almost hunt them down. Her favourite brand appears to be Purple Moon.

Memorability: 5/5

Personal notes:
Harue has what appears to be a truly massive disposable income and a penchant for finding and buying incredibly expensive things from mannequins, and yet when she actually enters the store, she most frequently puts forth requests for whole ensembles under $200, or even under $150. (It looks as if her favourite brand is Purple Moon, so this might be where this comes from.)

I made the mistake of remembering her job as "pop idol" in a post on Miiverse... when she's really a voice actress. And yet... somehow I thought I remembered something in the game stating this, linking her to pop idols or celebrities. Hmm. It's not as if voice actresses can't be big-time celebrities, though...

Harue is a very memorable character to me due to all of the weird (and often shockingly expensive) stuff she's bought, along with her stand-out personality(?) and the bizarre divide between her in-store budget and the rest of her disposable income. Where is she pulling out these incredible sums from?? She also seems to be fond of getting repeated changes of hairstyle only to switch back to her default lavender pigtails regularly. Actually, despite running a mainly Bold and Gothic boutique for a long time, Harue has been one of my most frequent customers, not to mention my highest-paying... She kind of reminds me of Preeya because of of the variety of things she's requested and the breadth of the styles she's tried.

Harue often hangs out with Koji, although I have no idea what their relationship is actually supposed to be.

Original Miiverse post to play journal (Jun. 21st, 2017 - apx. 5:31pm)
A picture of Harue from last year. She's a pop star, and appears to have an incredibly large disposable income: Here she just bought a very expensive Retro-Lively outfit I had displayed, and yet when she comes in with requests, her budget is about $150...
She actually seemed to be buying things off mannequins based on how expensive they were... It was pretty consistent over time. It's an interesting contrast.